Order Kits

These kits are meant for shipment at room temperature only. Please refer to each specific test for appropriate shipping conditions. For international shipping kit requests, please contact us.  If you would like to fax in your request, please use the PDF Form and fax the completed form to Client Services: 713.798.2787.

All kits (excluding saliva Kits) contain these items: foam insert with cavities for vials & kit accessories, absorbent material, Parafilm, specimen labels, plastic biohazard bag, Clinical Pak, prepaid Airbill (Domestic shipping only), sample requisition, and instructions.

Attention: Baylor Genetics is now utilizing the services of Path-Tec, a leading provider of specimen management services, for sample kit production, fulfillment, and distribution.

1Referring Provider
3Select Supplies
4Select Quantity
5Additional Notes

Referring Healthcare Provider