Baylor Team Contributes to Published Article in Genetics in Medicine Journal

Misattributed parentage as an unanticipated finding during exome/genome sequencing: current clinical laboratory practices and an opportunity for standardization

Eno C, Bayrak-Toydemir P, Bean L, Braxton A, Chao EC, El-Khechen D, Esplin ED, Friedman B, Hagman KDF, Hambuch T, Hernandez A, Juusola J, Londre G, Machado J, Mao R, Mighion L, Rehm HL, Ward P, Deignan JL



Clinical laboratories performing exome or genome sequencing (ES/GS) are familiar with the challenges associated with proper consenting for and reporting of medically actionable secondary findings based on recommendations from the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). Misattributed parentage is another type of unanticipated finding a laboratory may encounter during family-based ES/GS; however, there are currently no professional recommendations related to the proper consenting
for and reporting of misattributed parentage encountered during ES/GS.


We surveyed 10 clinical laboratories offering family-based ES/GS regarding their consent language, discovery, and reporting of misattributed parentage.


Many laboratories have already developed their own practices/policies for these issues, which do not necessarily agree
with those from other labs.


There are several other possibilities besides true misattributed parentage that could result in similar laboratory
findings, and laboratories often feel they lack sufficient information to make formal conclusions on a report regarding the true genetic relatedness of the submitted samples. However, understanding the genetic relatedness (or lack thereof) of the samples submitted for family-based ES/GS has medical relevance. Therefore, professional recommendations for the appropriate handling of suspected
misattributed parentage encountered during ES/GS are needed to help standardize current clinical laboratory practices.

Genetics in Medicine (2018)

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